This year the European Society for Dermatological Research Annual Meeting will take place between the 18th to the 21st of September in Bordeaux, South France. As every year for the 49 times the Society met, it will be full of distinguished professionals and pioneering research in the area of Dermatology.

Keynote Speakers

Some keynote speakers from the UK include Nick Reynolds, Professor of Dermatology in Newcastle who is using systems biology and computational modelling approaches to treat skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema.

Also from the UK comes keynote speaker Liz Patton, Professor at the MRC Institute of Genetics & Molecular Medicine from the University of Edinburgh. She has worked with Len Zon at Harvard Medical School developing models to treat serious skin conditions.

Dermatology & Artificial Intelligence?

Other prominent speakers include Dr Andre Esteva with a PHD from Stanford University. He is an entrepreneur and researcher who is experimenting with Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Dermatology.

Last but not least, Julia Reichelt working on a gene-editing therapy of skin diseases and inherited blistering skin disorders in particular.

There are many more speakers plus side events worth going to as this becomes a key event in the yearly calendar for Dermatology.